In this blog post I write about my first TechTalk at ABOUT YOU. The topic: “Jekyll - a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby”. But first I would like to tell you what TechTalks actually are.
For some time now, there are the so-called TechTalks at ABOUT YOU. Weekly events in which developers share their knowledge among other developers. In each of these events one participant talks about a specific topic.
Past TechTalks
Many interesting topics have already been covered:
- Why JSON API is not a magic bullet and it’s time to use GraphQL instead
- Implementation of Product-Sorting
- Timbertales - A journey into game development
- Real Time Bidding - A technical overview
- Codeception - An easy way for complex testing
- Web Tracking via Google Analytics - Tech meets Business
- How to build a recommendation system - talking about the methodologies and tools that used to build a recommendation engine
- Using dependency injection in Yii
- Blockchain - A fun implementation in Laravel
- Animations with React Native
- Deep Dive Docker
- Non Company Languages
- PHPStorm feature/helper to improve your workflow
- Webapps
- F8 conference
- Database Performance in MySQL
- CSP & Other Useful HTTP Headers
- Presentation about the results of our #1 Hackathon
- Team get to know
My TechTalk about Jekyll
Today I had my first TechTalk at ABOUT YOU about “Jekyll - a blog aware, static site generator in Ruby”.
TL;DR my slides and the source code from the TechTalk. Otherwise, here comes the summary:
The presentation can be divided into four sections. Section 1 deals with Static Site Generators in general. Questions like “What is a Static Site Generator?” and “How does the generator’s workflow look like?” get answered. The pros and cons of using generators compared to traditional content management systems (Drupal, Wordpress, …) are highlighted.
Section 2 addresses Jekyll in detail. Several ways to set up and configure a Jekyll page are shown. Also, the internal template engine “Liquid” and its concepts (Objects, Tags, Filters) are tackled.
Section 3 is a live coding part in which some of the concepts from Section 2 are demonstrated.
Section 4 shows how to publish content. As an example, this blog post got deployed during the live coding.
As always, it was a lot of fun to attend the TechTalk. Even more fun to be this week’s speaker! This was my first presentation at a TechTalk, but definitely not my last one. See ya next time!